Expressive communication
Our SLPs are able to support your child's ability to build their expressive communication skills. Even this can be unique for every child as some children will use words, pictures, gestures, technology (AAC), or some combination in order to express themselves. Supporting your child to find their best form of expression is where we thrive.
Receptive Communication
We help to build your child's understanding of language and directions through play. We teach parents how to support their child's language development through play and everyday activities such as cooking, bedtime routines and even in the car. Functional implementation of strategies into your daily routine means it will be easier for families to fit our strategies more naturally into your routine. Carving out some family time for play to support language development has the added benefit of building a stronger connection with your child.
Social and Play Skill Development
If you struggle with supporting your child to play with peers or to develop positive interactions with their siblings, our speech and lanuage pathologists can help. Because we do programming in your home and community, it provides natural opportunities for siblings and peers to join in the fun. We have supported children and families at the playground, on playdates, a local rec centre, and also at daycares and preschools. While we may practice skills one on one in a structured setting, natural environmental practice with targetted support is key for success in this area.
Speech Sound Development
Building a child's ability to correctly produce sounds and speak clearly increases their ability to be understood during social interactions. Ultimately, we want to enhance a child's confidence. For some children, working on speech sound production is one way to support increased confidence.